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Friends For Pets Foundation

Before You Adopt

Before You Adopt
The Weimaraner Breed
Advantages of An Older Dog
Adoption Process & Application
Happy Adoption Photos
Adoption FAQs


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Please ask yourself the following questions in order to determine whether or not you are ready to get a dog of the sporting breed:

  1. Will the size, high-energy and personality of a sporting dog fit your lifestyle?

  2. Are you willing to cope with muddy footprints, holes dug in exuberant excitement, sharing your favorite couch, letting a large dog in and out (and in and out, and in and out)?

  3. How large is your family? Do you have children? A dog will require as much attention, affection, guidance, patience, and humor as a child.

  4. Do you have the necessary time and enthusiasm for hours of feeding, brushing, exercising, training that a large dog requires? Will your energy and dedication last as long as your adopted pet lives? Are you willing
    to give a dog constant and reliable care for 10, 12 or possibly 14 years?

  5. Are you aware that your adopted pet will become feeble and require greater care as he grows older?

  6. Are you willing to give up a weekend trip or a vacation if your adopted pet should get sick?

  7. Are you able to afford quality food, veterinary care, training, licenses, etc.?

  8. Would you be willing to pay for expensive veterinary treatment or surgery to save your pet’s life?

  9. Once you have acquired a sporting dog, you have added a whole new set of responsibilities to your life. You are no longer a carefree soul. You can’t run off for the weekend, leaving your dog to the care of the neighbors. He is a dog that requires a lot of personal attention and supervision.



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